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Sayap-sayap Terkembang ( Spread Wings, 67 episodes).Suramnya Bayang-bayang ( Gloominess of the Shadows, 34 episodes).Meraba Matahari ( Touching the Sun, 9 episodes).Matahari Esok Pagi ( Tommorow's Morning Sun, 15 episodes).Tanah Warisan ( The Land of Inheritance, 8 episodes).Api di Bukit Menoreh ( Fire in Manoreh Hill, 396 episodes).The titles of the books he wrote are, for example: Mintardja has written more than 400 books, the longest serie was Api di Bukit Menoreh with 396 books. Gan KL, and also original works, such as those of Asmaraman Sukowati Kho Ping Hoo. Before that, Chinese wuxia tales were already popular among the readers, both translated versions of Chinese authors works by OKT (Oey Kim Tiang) and Gan Kok Liang a.k.a.

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Mintardja or Singgih Hadi Mintardja is the pioneer of cerita silat writer.

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